Week 1 - The NAKED You
Take a good look at yourself...inside and out. Get naked. Write down what makes you YOU - uncover who you are today!
Be very SPECIFIC about...
- your PHYSICAL attributes
- your SPIRITUAL gifts
Really take the time to reflect on who you are RIGHT NOW - the good, the bad, and the ugly! In order to become the woman the Lord is calling for you to be, you have to know your starting point. WHO ARE YOU?
Be very SPECIFIC about...
- your PHYSICAL attributes
- your SPIRITUAL gifts
Really take the time to reflect on who you are RIGHT NOW - the good, the bad, and the ugly! In order to become the woman the Lord is calling for you to be, you have to know your starting point. WHO ARE YOU?
Week 2 - You REALLY are a Gem!
Read Proverbs 31:10-31 (click here to read) Then, look back at what you wrote from last week's challenge.
Can you find your jewels in Proverbs 31?
Compare and contrast all of the wonderful characteristics you already have
to what is written in the scripture.
Reading the example of the Proverbs 31 Woman can be a bit overwhelming initially,
BUT you already have many, if not all, of those characteristics inside of you.
It's time to uncover them and fully walk in them.
Musical Motivational Quote:
"You know I only say it 'cause I'm truly genuine...
Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem, babygirl." -Lauryn Hill
Listen to song here: Doo Wop (That Thing)
Read Proverbs 31:10-31 (click here to read) Then, look back at what you wrote from last week's challenge.
Can you find your jewels in Proverbs 31?
Compare and contrast all of the wonderful characteristics you already have
to what is written in the scripture.
Reading the example of the Proverbs 31 Woman can be a bit overwhelming initially,
BUT you already have many, if not all, of those characteristics inside of you.
It's time to uncover them and fully walk in them.
Musical Motivational Quote:
"You know I only say it 'cause I'm truly genuine...
Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem, babygirl." -Lauryn Hill
Listen to song here: Doo Wop (That Thing)
Week 3 - Praying for my Future
What is your WHY? In order to reach the Proverbs 31 Woman status that the scripture outlines, we must know what we want and ask God in full faith. Write down what you'd like for you and your family's future to be like starting this year. Hold no request back! Think on it and write it down. We have not because we ask not. Make your requests known unto God. Complete this week's challenge on our CONFERENCE CALL on Wednesday @ 7pm! Where two or three or gathered, there God will be in the midst of them. |
Week 4 - Work It Out #TruSTRONG
Body Strong
Proverbs 31:17 says "She sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for her tasks."
Ladies, we've got to WORK OUT! Though the world seems to be on the trendy healthy living bandwagon,
God does call for women of virtue to be strong physically to carry out the plans He has for her. This week we're going to focus on strengthening our bodies.
Ladies, get moving at LEAST 3 times this week.
Go for a walk, take a fitness class, play a sport, dance with friends, do yoga, lift weights, or even do an aerobic exercise DVD. The types of exercise that you can engage in are endless, just get up and GET MOVING!
Body Strong
Proverbs 31:17 says "She sets about her work vigorously, her arms are strong for her tasks."
Ladies, we've got to WORK OUT! Though the world seems to be on the trendy healthy living bandwagon,
God does call for women of virtue to be strong physically to carry out the plans He has for her. This week we're going to focus on strengthening our bodies.
Ladies, get moving at LEAST 3 times this week.
Go for a walk, take a fitness class, play a sport, dance with friends, do yoga, lift weights, or even do an aerobic exercise DVD. The types of exercise that you can engage in are endless, just get up and GET MOVING!